Heath Clark
a ride through the mind of a mindless man

I am Weak

By Heath
You know its just like me to be short tempered and get angry over nothing. Well today was one of those days or I just hid it better!

My day started off great. Working at 6:00 am still catching up on some work that piled up over the weekend and knocking out my stuff before most of the other people showed up between 8:30 -9:00 am. I really like having the morning to do work and get ahead in the day before everyone else shows up.

Well today is Tuesday and 9:30 on Tuesday mornings we have our status meeting with our team. I show up about 2 minutes late because I was on the phone handling a customers problem with the application. When I walk in our manager is in a rant about something. It didn't take me long to figure out what the issue was all about. A carry over from yesterday! A long yesterday which was a long Monday.

Without going into too much detail there is a guy on our team who is totally incompetent and NEVER does any work and ALWAYS has to have someone bail him out and get his stuff done for him. It caught up to everyone yesterday. It was go home time and all of the sudden I get a tap on my shoulder. We have to go to the conference room! huh? We end up spending 4 HOURS trying to trouble shoot this guys incompetence...not help him out with something difficult or help him with some major issue. It's elementary things. He has been working in this field for almost 10 years and we were having to walk him through things that you learn in intro classes in college or at least your first month at your first job. Basically its like a nurse being employed for something like 10 years and having to have someone else run and IV because she doesn't have a clue.

Well to start the meeting off this guy informs our manager that his application is down AGAIN!!! He has already caused us to have a bad eye because it was down Thursday and Monday now Tuesday! Well he knew that and he didn't tell anyone..hasn't tried to resolve it and almost 2 hours into his day he just now let someone know! Basically he has put all of our teams job in jeopardy in January when it comes time to get the contract renewed.

So the manager tells us to start working again to help him. I am sitting there with about 6 other guys who don't have much knowledge of the application and we can't even help him because we are having to explain simple things that he should know. He is a Program Analyst III which makes him a Senior level programmer and he can't even open up his application in the development environment.

Ok so I have vented out all that to say...I was sitting there wanting to cuss getting angry and feeling my blood pressure rising as I just wanted to punch something anything a wall, a face, a brick, something just to release and I realize that I am feeling bitterness and need to repent. We finally figure out the problem at 1 pm and go grab something quick to eat to come back and have one of the other guys come up to me and tell me to go help him he somehow deleted everything on the server and on his local machine..."Are you kidding me?" Anger boiling again...then the guy said, "You need to help him because the rest of us can't take any more and you're the only one with patience.

Are you kidding me...I can just hide it better! I really need some prayer as I try to live out the gospel before these guys. We have a team of younger guys (mostly younger guys) in their late 20's early 30's (I just said early 30's is young..I am getting old). I really want to show and share Jesus with them but days like this I feel the old man rising! Pray for me because I have a meeting with my manager tomorrow and we are going to talk about this last weeks events. I want to speak the truth to him in love and not have any insulting overtones. I really do care about this guy as a person but things like this week cost people jobs...some times whole teams lose their jobs. I need wisdom...man do I need wisdom.


3 comments so far.

  1. Carley July 8, 2008 at 11:23 PM
    Sorry you had such a rough day! Hope tomorrow's better!!
  2. Jason & Kimberly July 9, 2008 at 1:53 PM
    I'll be praying for you.
  3. keith July 9, 2008 at 5:46 PM
    Yeah, you are weak!
    Shape up would you!
    And quit all your belly aiken!

Something to say?