Heath Clark
a ride through the mind of a mindless man


By Heath
I have determined that this blogspot thing could be a great way to journal publicly the happenings and random events that take place in this thing we call life; alsol to allow you, the reader to wander through this mind of mine. Be ready it can be dangerous because I have one of the most random minds you can find. I attribute this to my job and sitting behind a desk all day leading to some form of undiagnosed adult a.d.d. For you who read I will try to humor you as much as possible by eliminating the filter and write what comes to my mind as much as possible. Ok I will use some filtering...I promise! I will also try to tick off the "Christian" reader by occasionally writing about Jesus and the Gospel that glorifies him and not promote behaviorism.

More to Come,
II Thess 3:5

1 comment so far.

  1. Carley July 7, 2008 at 9:22 PM
    Found ya! I see a challenge on who's the most random...good luck trying to win that one! ;)

Something to say?